Jones Jones: Just Justice (ESP-Disk’, 2022)

June 25, 2022 at 2:44 pm | Posted in Reviews | Leave a comment

Jones Jones: Just Justice

This album of “spontaneous evocations” is played by the trio of Larry Ochs (saxophones), Vladimir Tarasov (drums), and Mark Dresser (bass), who have collectively performed as part of Rova Saxophone Quartet, Anthony Braxton’s group, and Ganelin Trio. All of the song titles have the word Jones in them, making this set feel like a family of sonic siblings. “Call of the Jones” has the most immediate bite to it, with furious bowed strings and feverish drums milling around the sax blurts. “Jones in the Sonar System” starts out more nebulous, then gradually gains some rapid bowl-like percussion, which catches the ear more than anything else. “Jones Free Jones” starts out with kind of a walking groove before it sort of washes itself in acid. “The Further Adventures of Miss Microtonal Jones” is a fitting title for the song that seems to be trying to stretch past physical boundaries the most.

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