Led Bib: The People In Your Neighbourhood (Cuneiform, 2014)

December 12, 2014 at 11:23 pm | Posted in Reviews | Leave a comment

Led Bib: The People In Your Neighbourhood

Led Bib: The People In Your Neighbourhood

Super-fun spacey funk-jazz. Heavy grooves, horns, smashing drums, and tons of cool keyboard sounds. Almost kind of Acid Mothers Temple-ish in how they use spacey keyboard sounds, but in more of a jazz idiom. Not quite out there enough to be Sun Ra, but nobody is. “Giant Bean” starts out sounding like it’s quoting “Black Sabbath”, but then it goes into a different direction. But it still has that heavy plodding feel to it, just with a bunch of wailing saxes, before the tempo picks up. It cuts off very sharply at the end, as if to say “screw it, it’s over, just cut it, no need for a proper ending.” “Angry Waters (Lost To Sea)” starts out quiet and deceptively solemn, and surely isn’t as playful as some of the other tracks, but it gets a bit worked up by the end. “This Roofus” has a bit more of a festive feel, and gets frantic and a bit spacey as it goes. “Imperial Green” plays with a “Little Drummer Boy”-esque melody. 10 brings back some of the spacey synths, but on many of the other tracks they keyboards use piano or more Rhodes-sounding tones. Closer “Orphan Elephants” crawls along for 9 minutes, and gets really quiet for a while in the middle, before inching towards its finale. A pretty long, drawn-out album, but it’s pretty enjoyable.

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